応募総数:398作品(122人) 多くの皆様のご応募に心から感謝申し上げます。



Total number of entries: 398 photos (122 person)
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to many of you for your entry.

 7月1日から募集を開始した“まにら新聞写真大賞” ですが、おかげさまを持ちまして多くの皆様にご応募いただきました。

Many photographers applied for the “Manila Shimbun Photography Awards” which was recruited from July 1. Both the news category, open category, and junior category are wonderful photographs, so judging must be done carefully. Therefore, in the Manila Shimbun, in order to conduct a more fair review as the organizer, it will be postponed for about a month from January 2 which was scheduled to announce the grand prize and each prize. The announcement will be in late January to early February, and the awards ceremony will be delayed accordingly. It’s a sorry for everyone who was looking forward to the announcement, but please understand the circumstances.

注目作品のご紹介。Introduction of interesting Photos.

発表は順延となりましたが、ご応募いただいた作品はいずれも素敵な作品ばかりです。そこで、新春の贈り物として“まにら新聞写真大賞”の注目作品を一挙ご紹介。ぜひじっくりとご鑑賞ください。Although the presentation was postponed, all the photos submitted to the Photography Awards are nice pictures. So, as a gift for the New Year, we will introduce the remarkable work of the “Manila Shimbunr Photography Award”. Please enjoy the wonderful photograph appreciation.

タイトルTitle: Sky Flowers / Open Category
by リッチモンド・T・チーさん(Richmond T. Chi )
Fireworks presentation from the United Kingdom during the Philippines International Pyromusical Competition. ”

タイトルTitle: Hala Bira! / News Category by メリック・ポール・タンさん(Merrick Paul Tan )  “アティの戦士が戦いの体制で素早く動くと色が点滅した。熱い日差しと戦士たちが蹴りあげる砂埃も気にせず観客は熱心に見入っていた。 It was fast. Movements became a blur, colors flashed as Ati warriors were in fighting postures. They kicked up a cloud of dust but the audience were held captive, not minding the heat of the sun to those not under the shelter.”

タイトルTitle: Colors /Junior Category
by ガエウス ・トゥロス・オシラオさ
(Gaeus Lazar Tumlos Osilao)
I saw this colorful books at the mall.”

タイトルTitle: Woman Drying Danggit /Open Category by アンソニー・イントさん(Anthony Into )  “漁師の妻であるマリカは、ダンギット(干したアイゴ)をチェックしています。ダンギット は、開いた魚を洗浄して塩漬けにし、それを太陽の下の乾燥ラックに広げるて作られます。 フィリピン人の好きな料理の一つです。Maricar, a fisherman’s wife, checking on an array of danggit or dried rabbitfish. Danggit is prepared by first splitting the fish open, cleaning and salting it, and then spreading it out on drying racks under the sun. It is considered one of Filipinos’ favorite comfort dishes. ”

タイトルTitle: A Vibrant Feast of coconuts: Viyoyugan Festival 2018 Junior Category
by アストン・ジャルラ・B・ガルシアさん(Ashton Jalra B. Garcia)
 “ニヤガンフェスティバル1018 The 2018 Niyogyugan Festival in August.”

News category
タイトル: Festive Happiness
by マリオ・カカンさん
(Marino Caccam )
 “イロイロ市で毎年開催されるディナギャンフェスティバルにて撮影。This photo was taken during the Dinagyang Festival. It is a festival celebrated every year in Iloilo City, Philippines.”

Editor’s eye

The Philippines is colorful. Sometimes the color vividly emerges due to strong sunlight, but people in the city and fashion are colorful anyway. Among them, raster color (red · yellow · green · black) and tricolor color (blue · white · red) stand out, so chic colors such as dark blue, brown and gray like Japanese are not seen much. If you point the camera to various subjects in such Philippines, there will be many photos in which color is impressive. It is the Philippines color in contrasts to the tranquility of monotone like winter in Japan.

News category
上記5点(5 photos below)
by グレゴリオ・B・ダンテス・Jr.さん(Gregorio B. Dantes Jr.)

タイトルTitle: Extrajudicial Killings

タイトルTitle: Devotees

タイトルTitle: Taong Putik

タイトルTitle: Black Nazarene

タイトルTitle: Silent Night

タイトルTitle: Emergency / News Category
by フリオ・リベラさん(FROI RIVERA )
 “多くの人が非常階段を下りてくる中、火事から逃れるために屋根からの脱出を試みる女性。A lady jumps from a roof escaping from a fire, as some more people going down the fire escape.”

Editor’s eye

A newspaper reporter gets various information and heads to the news site. However, in the now where many people carry camera functions such as digital cameras or smart phones, there are many news that spread through the Internet.
It is not a field of only professional cameramen now as a scoop photos.
However, it may be fake news, photographers should not be photographed at risk of breaking the rules.
Shutter opportunities are always created by calm judgments and actions.

タイトルTitle: Wrath of Habagat / News Category
by レイ・タマヨ・Jr.さん(Rey Tamayo, Jr. )
 “ハバガット(季節風)に襲われたパンパンガ州ポラック。人々はいかだで避難している。Aerial shot of town of Porac in province of Pampanga slammed by Habagat, residents float with belongings on makeshift rafts made from wood.”

タイトルTitle: Harmonious Playground / Open Category
by ベルナード・パサテンポ・リチャード・2世さん
(Bernard Pasatiempo Recirdo II )
 “非日常の空間も彼らにとっては格好の遊び場だ。An unusual place. It is a home of living and dead.”

タイトルTitle: Fun in the rain / Open Category
by ブディ・ガディアノさん(Buddy Gadiano )
 “雨に打たれながらも楽しそうな姉妹の微笑ましい姿をとらえた写真。マニラ市トンドの旧ウリンガ(スラム地区)で撮影。Captivating moment captured of this little sisters caught while having fun in the rain. Photo taken at old district in Tondo, Manila.”

タイトルTitle: Emancipation / Open Category
by アンソニー・イントさん(Anthony Into )
 まさにタイトル通りの開放感が伝わってくる作品。少年の晴れやかな顔と大きく羽ばたく鳩の躍動感が印象的だ。The photo which the open feeling just as the title is transmitted. The joyful face of a boy and the dynamism of a pigeon fluttering greatly impresses.

タイトルTitle: Water Festival 2017 Open Category by クリストファー・ダン・エドラリンさん(Christopher Dan Edralin)

タイトルTitle: Our Cemetary, Our Playground Open Category by デオグラシアス・カーデナス・Jr.さん (Deogracias Cardenas Jr. )

タイトルTitle: Smile / Open Category
by レン・B.・ベルーナさん(Rene B. Bernal )
A young boy poses and smiles during his regular day-to-day work in the dumpsite, Paranaque city.”

Editor’s eye

A smile. That is powerful weapon. Smiles are possible children, adults, elderly people, even more lightly transcending nationality and making people happy. The final weapon of the subject of photos is a smile. There are so many smiles in the Philippines. You can understand it as soon as you get to the town. The Philippine people enjoy talking and enjoying themselves fairly much compared to Japanese scenes in which the mood is like a people fighting for themselves.The number of this smile may be a proof that promises a bright future to the Philippines.

Manila Shimbun Photography Awards Winners Photo Exhibition
(to be held in Makati Square from the middle of February 2019)

