【趣味人に会う Meet the Enthusiasts】オートバイ Super Cub 





ブライアン・ベルトランさん    Mr. Bryan Beltran ( Albert Arman E. Beltran Jr.) オンラインアンティークショップ経営。マニラ市在住。「オリジナルの赤いスーパーカブと同じ色になるように再塗装しました」。左は奥様のチーさん。Mr. Beltran and his wife Chee. The owner of online antique shop in Manila, Mr. Beltran is a long time Honda Super Cub enthusiast. ‘I repainted this 1970 red Super Cub to make the color the same as the original one.’












フリーマーケットに出店した時は、商品の陳列にも活躍するスーパーカブ。 The Super Cub is on duty at a flea market.



My Best Partner  1970 Honda Super Cub



I have 13 motorcycles so far such as a Honda Wave and Honda Dream but most of them are Honda Super Cubs. I now ride 1970 Super Cub. Fuel efficiency, reliability, durable parts and easy to ride. A Super Cub is really a good motorcycle. It’s my partner in business use as well as for family activities .On holidays I ride around Manila with other Super Cub enthusiasts. I have traveled to San Juan, Batangas by Super Cub.


I bought Super Cubs from my friends in the Philippines. My dream motorcycle is Honda S90 produced in 1960s. I believe the older, the better.


Photos courtesy of Mr. Bryan Beltran 
