魔女伝説と神秘の島 魔法に魅せられて

1884年建立のサンイシドロラブラドール教会。外観から漂うミステリアスな雰囲気もシキホールの魔法?San Isidro Labrador Church was built in 1884. Are the mysterious appearance and ambience also a magic of Siquijor…?
Exploring Mysterious Island Where Witch Legend Is Alive
While I was an exchange student at Silliman University, Dumaguete city, Negros Oriental, I visited Siquijor Island a.k.a. mysterious ‘Witch Island, ‘ about two hours by ship from the Dumaguete port. One main road running through the island makes it easy to visit each tourist attractions.
This mysterious legendary island has a unique culture that locals have seriously believe in black and white magics from old times. The most famous black magic is a healing power called ‘Bolobolo’, and aphrodisiac ‘Love Portion’, which is a popular souvenir. I am not sure if it really works.
On the island there is a pond at the spreading root of the 400-year-old gigantic ‘Century Old Balete Tree’. When you put your feet in the pond, a school of fish flocks to eat dead skin off your feet and make your skin smooth. The fish is called Doctor Fish, locally called Magical Fish. Soaking and cleaning your feet in the pond while drinking coconut juice is a must activity here. When I was there, monkeys were romping around me. What a chaotic situation!
Be sure to visit Cambugahay Falls. Jumping into the emerald green water is so pleasant and refreshing! Majestic nature and the mysterious legend. Everything is magical on Siquijor Island. Now you want to visit Siquijor Island, don’t you? You are already under a spell of Siquijor!
Photo courtesy of Momo Inoma